Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We are clad!

Yes folks happy to report that Crosie has finished the cladding the house - including putting up the garage door!

It's all very exciting as the house is now full of gib board and pink batts all ready to install. The end is nearing and we are hoping that in 6 - 8 weeks we will be moving on in!

In some of the photos with this post you will see the sheep - very exciting as we await the arrival of some lambs! Though as Crosie is away this week I am hoping that the girls cross their legs until he returns.

Crosie is down in Lake Hawea helping his mum celebrate a birthday - Happy birthday! he is also looking a possible new addition to our household - a puppy. but that is a wait and see

Enjoy the latest pics!

1. View from Master Bedroom side 2. View from spare room side

3. View as you drive in 4. Similar view

5. View from paddock!

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