Thursday, November 25, 2010

The painting has begun ...

Yes the painting has begun and what was the first room to be done? Why the scullery was - am on countdown sleeps until i get my kitchen, sans bench-tops, but they will come soon. Concrete takes a little while to cure, but we need to make them and decide on what colours we want in the concrete!

If one takes a day's leave from work, what does one do? paint skirting that's what!
30 x 12m lengths were done in two colours - no not on the same skirting, but for the skirting and the bits that go around the windows inside.

Two-thirds of the house now have selant paint on and dear Crosie is busy doing another sand, then we will start putting the paint on the walls - yippee!

Rooms with a View

Check out the rooms with views!

We are incredibly lucky that we get some amazing views from our house - see below!

The Spare bedroom view

Our bedroom view

the view from the lounge

The view while cooking (once the kitchen goes in!)

The long awaited gib stopping pics

Our Bedroom The lounge

The living room - check out the height of the ceiling

The hall from our room to the living room

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

is it time to stop?

Yes it is, gib stop that is!

Yes dear Crosie has finished all the contstruction and now its onto the gib-stopping. A job that he doesn't like, but from what is on the walls, looks pretty good to me!

We are concentrating on getting the lounge, living, study, entrance and our bedroom done first, so we can move in. Plus we have to ge the living area done so Mr Kitchen man can come and install our kitchen - how cool is that going to be!!!

We now have both power and gas on to the house now, not just an extension cord running between the buildings - a little more secure methinks.

This also means we can have a lovely bath in our wonderful bathroom - though the cats are a little curoius as to why we want to sit in water.

A quick cat story: after spraying a mound of dirt with weedkiller, little white fluffy and the ginja ninja were playing in it, which meant that the little white fluffy was rolling around in weedkiller. Long story short Crosie turned on the shower and he and the little white fluffy had a shower together! Poor wee fluffy was like a drowned rat, oddly though he was quite relaxed about the whole affair and has since got back into the shower, albeit it wasn't on, but he got in voluntarily!

Gib stopping pics will be loaded in the next day or so!